Friday, July 31, 2015

A Secretive Diva Day!

Hey guys!

I need to celebrate the anniversary of so many things!

Unfortunately I seemed to have missed the exact toll of midnight before being able to put up a post, but I had my idea ready to go, I swear.

*Special mention: I will not give Mumble-wumble the satisfaction of thinking he won and that I didn't post on time.*

Physically not being present and not being able to hit the publish button cannot count as a good enough reason to "lose".

I had the idea for this post in my head for quite some time. I did miss the exact day I could have posted this, but clearly I had other stuff on my mind. But here's what I would have liked to talk about approximately 2 posts ago.

My very own Canada Day!

So as y'all (those from Canada anyway) probably know, it was Canada Day not too long ago. We celebrated the birth of the beautiful nation we live in. *giggles*

However, for someone who was not born and raised here, the appreciation I hold for this country knows no bounds. I know for a fact that if I was still living in my homeland, I would never have been exposed to the opportunities I was given when I was a student here. To think that almost 11 years ago, I was throwing tantrum after another to not move away from my friends and family, and to see where I am now - it's quite the difference.

It was such a big step for a mere 13-year-old kid who didn't know right from wrong, up from down and Canada from the USA *admits guiltily*. So moving to this country, meeting new people, getting different experiences, were all things I was terrified to do!

I really have to finish this post and my other post soon, I don't like things to be left incomplete. But someone is really forcing me to be okay with it.

Anyway. Until I come back to this...

Hasta la-buh bye!

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