Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apologies & Reassurances

I know. I know.

Its been a quiet couple of weeks in the world of the Humble Undercover Diva. She missed writing too, she can tell you that! But, in her defense, life got in the way.. =/ I do however, wish to send out an "I'm sorry" card to whoever is reading this now :)

You know, sometimes I think.. "Wouldn't it be amazing if we could just shut it all out, and live in a virtual world like a pixel? Not a worry of tomorrow, not a care in the world!"

Before I get carried away...

How's everybody been? (This is assuming I have more than 2 readers :D)

I know I've broken my so called "tradition" twice in a row now, so no more waiting there. I think I shall jump back on that wagon right away! With a slight change though. Lets move it to Thursday, will keep me busy between classes ;) (oh yes, school has begun!)

Until my next post then, which should be published soon..

Hasta la-buh bye!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Speculations & Traditions

Its the start to a new month, and the start to this new tradition! :-)

Since this was my first try, I thought I'd also start with a little piece of history about myself. I've always had a closer connection with the male gender (call me crazy :-P), and this is why my very first "Post About A Stranger", is about a man who I saw on the bus today.

I don't know if this post particular post of mine is going to follow a layout, but I guess I should just describe him...

So there I was journeying home when I saw first him. To be honest, he was a little hard to miss. Blocking the way into the bus as he was, he stood there posing, without knowing I hope. I couldn't help noticing, that amid all the disapproving looks that he got for causing passengers discomfort getting to their seats, the ladies definitely did their fair shares of double takes and sneaking glances. He looked like a Greek God.

"What makes him tick?" I thought to myself. To begin with, he was tall. And I mean like at least 6"10 kind of tall. It was definitely something to look at. Not to mention his ridiculously smooth and tanned olive brown skin which seemed to be stretched just enough to show off his muscles. Yes, he was definitely built. And well built too.

His hair was neatly groomed, but his eyes were hidden by his shades. But making a note of all his other sharp, but chiseled features, I could only imagine how nice his eyes really were. He had bruises on his hand, which seemed like the ones one can get by working too hard. His clothes were stylish and his watch was fancy, but his shoes looked worn, and his bag looked like it would give way any second.

A pink glittery thing kept flashing from his bag every time it caught the sun rays, but in all honesty, looking at him in his confident aura and almost the haughty sort of air about him made me think, "Heck, even if he had a pink skirt in there, he would work it!" ;-)

I've seen handsome gentlemen, hot guys, and good-lookin' fellas. But today was the first time I laid eyes on a beautiful man :-)

Let me know what you guys think! I know it could have been loads better, but I was a little tired to be honest. That's it for now. Until next time...

Hasta la-buh bye!