Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years & New Beginnings

And so we've made our way in to 2011!

Of course, I hadn't written in a while and I missed doing so terribly, so I thought why not start off the new year with a little something I put together? Its not much, but its something.

Leaving behind some bitter memories,
And perhaps far too many good times
Taking with us new people we met,
Some of whom could be friends for life

Perhaps we bought a few new things for ourselves,
The problems we faced, may have been be big or small
And in doing the things we do everyday,
We could've shrunk a little, or maybe grown a little tall

But we all learned a few lessons I'm sure,
Some that will help us for a lifetime
Perhaps some hit absolute rock bottom,
And are now struggling to make a dime

Bad times will come every now and then,
But usually good times will follow
If only we remember at all times,
To take a break from being too shallow

For some, 2010 could have been the time of their life,
For others it may have been time for sacrifices
But as we embrace 2011 with open arms,
Will we be making ourselves any new promises?

Hope you guys enjoyed it :)

Until next time...

Hasta la-buh bye!