Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apologies & Reassurances

I know. I know.

Its been a quiet couple of weeks in the world of the Humble Undercover Diva. She missed writing too, she can tell you that! But, in her defense, life got in the way.. =/ I do however, wish to send out an "I'm sorry" card to whoever is reading this now :)

You know, sometimes I think.. "Wouldn't it be amazing if we could just shut it all out, and live in a virtual world like a pixel? Not a worry of tomorrow, not a care in the world!"

Before I get carried away...

How's everybody been? (This is assuming I have more than 2 readers :D)

I know I've broken my so called "tradition" twice in a row now, so no more waiting there. I think I shall jump back on that wagon right away! With a slight change though. Lets move it to Thursday, will keep me busy between classes ;) (oh yes, school has begun!)

Until my next post then, which should be published soon..

Hasta la-buh bye!


  1. FINALLYYY you write again :D Hurraayyy!!

    p.s I'm sure u know how I am ;) :P

  2. aha! And you've come back, now I'm yearning to see some more, so where is it?
