Sunday, October 17, 2010

Contemplations & Originations

Oddly enough, both the words in my title this times were revelations to me! I didn't know saying them like that was grammatically correct, but cheers to being colloquially disciplined. =)

Lately, I have taken to doing my speculations on the bus, and taking into account the season of Fall (about which I hope to be writing very soon), the weather is perfect for thinkers, and these turn out to be quite the bus rides!

In any case, since I couldn't come up with another poem quick enough to post, and I wanted to make sure I didn't bore the few readers that I have, to death. I decided to change the writing style up a little, and write basically whatever came to my mind. And here's what my pen wrote...

"This is my theory now.

So, where do ideas originate?

Ideas are like energy. They cannot be created or destroyed. They seem to be very eco-friendly though. They can be recycled a lot more than you think.  *chuckle*

But then, how do people keep coming up with different things, you may ask?

Because they live. They live longer, and the see different things around them. They learn to imagine, they learn to hope, and their mind slowly learns how to entangle all these things together to form what we call an idea.

The subconscious mind... its quite a powerful thing, you know? It absorbs a lot more than the human race is even aware of, and that has been scientifically proven.

Not that I claim to be an expert of the human mind, or anything. I am simply stating my point of view.

I don't really know why I wrote this post up. Maybe this was my way of so elegantly giving you all an excuse for my writer's block (which again, I hope will be lifted soon!)

But my question to you is, what can you take away from my little blurb? Though I think this is a one time thing, my posts won't all be educational! ;-)

The next time someone says, "I'm out of ideas", go ahead and tell them to go out a live a little.

Why do you think they will have an idea when they come back? Because they will have a new experience under their belt!

Now let it be known that I don't think creativity or originality is absent among great writers, of course not! But until the time when I manage to come up with an idea that I can't trace back to something I've seen before, or heard before, or had a fleeting glimpse of, or even hoped before, my theory remains intact."

So once again, do let me know what y'all think! Until next time...

Hasta la-buh bye!

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