Thursday, April 16, 2015


Hello, world.

This past week... I'm not sure where or how to start, but...

You know those times when it feels like absolutely everything you ever wanted to do in life suddenly presents itself as an opportunity, and you want to do it all, but it's humanly impossible to do so? Along with which, every stressor you thought you conquered suddenly comes back ten times stronger to bite you and makes you question your every life decision? And as the cherry on top, not one thing goes your way: work sucks, personal life is stressful, your body is tired, friends are unavailable and good health decides to take a hike. That somewhat sums up my week.

Anywho, I have one more day to plow through, and then the weekend shall be here! *celebrates*

So while going through these last few days, I was trying to figure out why it is that I was so fatigued, stressed, cranky and on edge. There were a lot of thoughts crammed in my brain and I had no space in my head to think through them at all.

Ergo, turmoil.

In the spirit of honesty, I reached breaking point several times in the last few days, some of which I didn't think I would make it through. But I've chosen my company wisely. I've surrounded myself with people who remind me how important I am and that no matter what I may think, people care for me.

As hopeless as I felt, I held on to these claims, and I'm slowly making my way out of my dark place. I haven't quite conquered all my problems yet, but baby steps, right?

But the point of this post; some things I wanted to put out there. Through this time I was having, I got three great pieces of advice that I think everyone should know about, in case they are stuck between a rock and a hard place like I was. Here they are:

1. Break it down

I was suffocating under the weight of my problems these last few days. However, someone told me to simply disentangle the confusing, intertwined web in my head. Look at every problem like it's own little entity, rather than looking at all my problems as one big monster I cannot behead.

While at first this seemed like an absurd thought, I later realized that it was a brilliant idea. It helped me separate the actual problems from the additional cobwebs of concerns that had accumulated in the corners of my brain. Breaking these problems down just made me feel like I had power over my problems, rather than them holding power over me.

In addition to explaining this philosophy, my well-wisher also did a really funny bit where she said, "If it helps, you could also break other things like walls, doors, people's faces... up to you!"

2. Be diplomatic

Of course, seeing me in this much pain and trouble concerned the Man in the Shadows. He may be my Kryptonite, but it seems I am his weakness too. As always, he had to be the calm voice of reason in my topsy-turvy, twisted, inexplicably problematic world.

He heard me out, let me vent, watched me shed tears; eventually, he used the one thing on me that he knew would have an instant effect: logic.

While he agreed wholeheartedly with the idea of me breaking it down, he went a step further. He ensured that I not only segregate all of my problems into little ones, but I approach each one in a very logical and diplomatic manner.

He reminded me of my strengths: my rationality, my levelheadedness, and my diplomatic approach to problem solving. He pointed out how using these had helped me conquer mountains in the past, and I simply needed to do the same again. I thank him for knowing me so well.

3. Do you!

Finally, this was a seemingly selfish, but extremely necessary piece of advice that I got from my chic, fashion-forward personality twin. Being the same age as me, she understood my troubles, and where my concerns stemmed from.

She related several of her own life stories to mine, and made me feel like less of a weirdo for having problems like these. But the way she ended her spiel was what got me thinking.

She said that, as an individual, I will know if what is going on in my life is right or wrong. An intuitive voice from within you will either concur or protest your situation. If what is happening to or around you does not seem 110% right to you, don't do it!

She stressed to me that at the end of the day, I should focus on what makes me happy. I should be able to live with no regrets and say, I took the time to do me!

I thank these individuals in my life from the very bottom of my heart; had it not been for them, I don't know where I'd be, or how I'd be feeling. They helped to change my perspective on things, and made me appreciate what I've got even more.

I didn't want to make this an advice like post, but I really needed to get this off my chest.

I hope y'all enjoyed another little glimpse into my life.

Next week's post should be a bit more colorful than this one. But until then...

Hasta la-buh bye!

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