Thursday, March 5, 2015


Hey everyone.

I'm gunna be honest with y'all.

This week's post is going to be fairly somber, courtesy of an extremely rough day.

Like last week, there is no script to this, nor is this a planned post. I gave up trying to be intellectually stimulating today. It's one of those days where I need to indulge in the act of venting.

Bear with me, won't you?

Since today was an awfully difficult day, I had an idea: I'm going to pick 3 highlights from today and talk about why they sent me reeling back in time and brought back some really intense memories.

Here we go.

1. I witnessed an accident.

This took me back to a horrendous moment in my life about 14 years ago. My mother and I got into a really bad road accident. It resulted in my mom getting a huge wound, the scar of which she still sports. And it also resulted in me breaking my leg, and hence bringing my tennis career to an end.

That day, that moment, those feelings...they are all like a large, crouching monster I'm yet to face. I keep postponing it, because I am terrified even just thinking about it.

However today, when I saw a pedestrian get hit by a vehicle and saw her wounded, I was so overcome with emotions that I went into hysterics and had a panic attack. Had it not been for my friends with me, the paramedics may have had to take 2 people to the hospital instead of one.

Alstar and JJ, I thank my lucky stars I have you.

I have been saying many prayers for the young lady who was hurt today, and I will keep hoping that she has a speedy recovery. I hope everyone involved in that accident is okay.

This was probably the saddest and most frightening part of my day. It reminded me really forcefully how delicate the balance of life really is, and how fast it can end for someone. I always tell people to make the most of what they have, appreciate their lives and live without regrets, and this is exactly why. In the words of a very Bollywood movie, "Kya pata, kal ho naa ho..."

The other 2 incidents brought back very happy memories, however left me feeling oddly empty.

2. I hurt myself dancing.

So, two of my girlfriends and I are putting together a little performance for an upcoming charity event. I have had the time of my life preparing for the show with them.

From picking out the music, stressing out about outfits and choreographing our steps, it has been an absolute hoot and a half, and we've barely begun the process.

Anymoo. I think I got a little too excited while doing some of the steps and ended up twisting and spraining my ankle. Incidentally, this happened to be the same foot which had earlier been crushed by someone's heavy suitcase on the TTC, and is now playing host to two very swollen fingers.

However, when it comes to performances, I am a trooper. I will stomach this pain and dance the night away, without thinking about the pain... until after the performance is done. Then I'll hobble around for a week afterwards.

This sent me back to the time I used to participate in dance shows in India. I remember collaborating with a large group of girls, working so hard to get the steps just right, trying to be in sync and look good, having practices after school while gossiping, and the feeling of immense pride we used to get after the show. Every single one of those shows was so special, full of so many good memories, and invariably in each one of them, I hurt myself in one way or another.

This memory, although happy, left me feeling very hollow when I thought of how all of us girls have now grown up and moved away from each other. But there are always reunions, right? Hopefully?

3. I went to an old hang out spot.

This particular memory didn't take me back as far as the other two did, but it definitely made me most wistful. Last year, around this time, I met an amazing bunch of people with whom I became close very quickly.

I was in my final semester of university. I was juggling 3 part-time jobs. I had more on my plate than a normal person could handle. I was always tired, in zombie-mode, sleep-deprived, barely keeping up with life, and frequently grumpy.

But it was because of this group of friends that I got through those 4 months. They got me through some really tough spots - there were a few tears, many meltdowns and many cheers. We made it a point to hang out every week: on Thursdays.

This gang made me take this evening off each week. They made sure I would unwind, relax and maintain my sanity to graduate on time. Granted, they turned me into a bit of an alcoholic... but nonetheless! I owe an amazing semester to Bear, Tall Guy, Shorty, Moonchild and Jellyfish.

They were my pillars a year ago, and it gives me so much joy that they are all still very much a part of my topsy-turvy world.

So this was my walk down memory lane today.

Some good, some bad, some scary and some sad memories were reminisced about. Each had it's own significance, each helped shape the person I am today, and each taught me the lesson of a lifetime.

Anyhow, that's it for me today.

Until next time, y'all. *waves*

Hasta la-buh bye!

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