Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hello world,

I hope this post finds you well! *cue inside joke*

Any moo. Today's topic just kind of "formed" in my head on the way home tonight. To ensure that I give credit where it is due, I must admit: tonight's post is Mumble-Wumble inspired. But let me share my thought process with y'all...

So we were driving home and listening to all sorts of music, and I really mean all sorts. We were reliving memories of the past, trying to figure out funny words, singing along and trying to free style, it was great. However, it was as he played more songs and hit me with more blasts from the past, that I realized something that applied to everyone.

With Mumble-Wumble in particular, he grew up among so many (culturally) different of people. Ergo, he was exposed to a large variety of music and probably developed such a wide taste n it. Keeping consistent with this idea, I started thinking of how my other friends must have also developed their respective tastes in music growing up. It was pretty fascinating.

That's when this idea began to formulate in my head about how so many little things we do in our early days define and shape who we are now.

As usual, I'm very tired atm to finish this post, I will finish it when I wake in the morning!

Update: Much later... *hangs head in shame*

I think I may have to admit defeat here. I have let this post sit stale for quite some time now, so I think I may have lost the zeal with which I started it, but I'll make an attempt anyway.


The idea was to marvel and how many things we are surrounded with, that shape us to be who we are. Every day, the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the people we interact with, all provide us with thoughts and ideas that our subconscious mind definitely retains, with or without our knowledge.

This amazes me and worries me at the same time. While some things could have a "good" impact on us, other thoughts may harm our thinking more than we may realize. But it is this process of becoming who we are that is fascinating to think of. It doesn't happen over night. It doesn't only happen over the years. It is actually a process that never stops. We change, we evolve and we create and develop ourselves each day we live.

This idea was just a food-for-thought one, I wasn't really going anywhere with it. However, I should probably revisit this at a later time when my brain thinks of more stuff relating to it.

Until then..

Hasta la-buh bye!

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