Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome, 2015.

2014 was hard.

The last few months have been especially challenging, to say the least.

In a short period of time, there were a lot of heart aches, heart breaks, melt downs, panic attacks, lonely nights, battling demons, and countless tears.

And yet, here I am.

Here we all are. Facing a new year - 2015!

As with everyone, and as with every new year, I have made resolutions. But this time around, they are a little different.

Sure, I've got the materialistic list like everybody - be healthier, go to the gym, eat right, sleep more, job hunt, read books, write on my blog more often (*shuffles feet embarrassedly*) and so on...


There's something new on my agenda for 2015, an odd sort of list of resolutions, if you will.

It will be this list, that I will refer to every day, to make sure I am sticking to my resolutions.

It will be this list, that I will share with every person I care about, because I think they should have this on their agendas too.

And it will be this list, that will ensure me taking on this year as a better, stronger, and more amazing person.

So what is this list you ask? Just five little bits of advice. Here goes.

1. Keep an open mind.

The significance of a new year is through a mere date. Each day is a new opportunity. Keeping an open mind does not simply translate to meek acceptance of anything and everything around you. An open mind means letting the fabrics of judgement, prejudice and stereotypes fall away from your view. Looking at the world from a different angle. Understanding that everyone has a story which led them to where they are now. Everyone has their own trials, triumphs, demons and drives; an open mind respects all those about different individuals.

Being judgmental is frighteningly easy, the challenge is not to do so. This year, my goal is to learn even more about the world around me. I pride myself in my observation skills, however I've learned something very important - there is so much more than ever meets the eye in this world.

Don't just hear what's being said, but listen to the words spoken.

Don't just see what's around you, but truly look at it.

2. Be spontaneous, take risks, try something new.

So much of our lives are spent in the mundane routines that persevere every day. Jobs, school, whatever it may be, ruts are surprisingly easy to wedge our selves into. Unbeknownst to us, these routines slowly take a toll on our mental health. We feel trapped, suffocated, and frustrated without truly understanding what may be fueling such emotions. What we fail to overlook, is this: we are our own culprits. In the rush to get where we need to go, do what we need to do, finish what we need to finish, we often forget to (forgive the use of the cliché here) stop and smell the roses.

I plead to you all. Stop. Smell them. They smell wonderful.

It could be as simple as having pomegranate juice instead of apple, walking down Second Avenue instead of First Street, maybe even adding the color orange to your wardrobe. Or it could also be something bold, and life-changing like altering your career path, moving out of the city for bigger and better opportunities, proposing to the one you love, or finally pursuing that crazy hobby you never dared to. Whatever it may be, DO IT! 

Disclaimer: Know that there is a fine line between throwing caution to the wind and irrationality.

3. Live with no regrets.

Ten years down the road, when you look back at any given day in your life, I don't want you to wish you had done something differently. I completely understand that some things in life are well out of our hands. However, there are always some parts we can control. In the words of a wise rat named Remy, "Change is nature, the part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide."

So what if it's a shot in the dark? You'll know.

So what if it's a mistake? You'll learn.

So what if it goes wrong? You'll survive.

You owe it to yourself to be content. Think of what truly matters to you. Think of who will be affected by your choices. And most importantly, think of how your decision will affect your life.

Please know that although I say this, I do not condone or promote the trial of harmful substances, alcohol or any other life threatening activities. That is not the kind of decisions I want y'all to make.

4. Be independent, not alone.

Many a times, independence is often perceived as synonymous with being aloof, detached and maybe rebellious. Not always. When I say "be independent", I mean this: If you are working on washing judgement away from your life, you need not let it affect you either. Don't let the judgement of others control your actions. Don't worry about what people will think if you dress a certain way. Don't let it bother you if people think your perfectionism is quirky.

It is those who are unconventional, who are trail blazers. Don't be afraid to make your own mark, to carve your own path and to stand out in a crowd. If you are exuberant and confident in your traits, no one will dare question you. Make an impact so that others will realize, your way is the right way.

5. Appreciate your life.

Life is so unexpected. With all the crazy things going on in this world around us, I sometimes wonder whether I will live to see a new day. And when I do, I embrace it as though I've been granted a new life. The fact that I am in a warm home, writing this post on an expensive piece of technology, the fact that I am able to string together these fancy words for our amusement, (to me) is a blessing in disguise.

Every day, I appreciate the fact that I am surrounded by those who love me unconditionally. I appreciate that I have a wonderful education attached to my name. I appreciate that I have the most amazing friends in the world. Above all, my gratitude knows no bounds that I understand what appreciation truly is. I am a whole, healthy person. To all those who are able to say this with me, please know and understand how truly blessed you are.

So, there you have it! My peculiar list of resolutions for 2015.

If any of these resonated with you, please let me know. I urge you all to follow these with me, but I'd hate to impose. Consider this a humble proposition.

Until next time, oh dear ones.

Hasta la-buh bye!

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