Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Man in the Shadows

Today, I want to write about someone. Someone I consider to be extremely close to my heart.

A friend of mine.

Just when I think I've learned everything there is to know about him, something he says or does, takes me by surprise. He is someone I can never put my finger on. But the best part about him, is how blissfully unaware he is of the amazing and unique personality he possesses.

The things he says, the things he does, his ideologies about certain things, his reasoning as he makes decisions are all incredibly fascinating to observe. The charm, the mannerisms, the innate qualities of a gentleman and chivalry are so extraordinary, that they set him apart on an entirely different level. However, at the end of the day, he insists that he is like "anybody else out there".

His astounding humility and modesty amaze me every day, while his inquisitiveness, curiosity and amusement at little things that surprise him, is a delight to watch.

I often compare him to a guardian; one who silently stands and watches over everyone. It reflects in his personality, where he puts others before himself without blinking an eye.

His calm aura, silent elegance and princely stature give him a rather powerful persona. I always think to myself that he would not be a person to cross; oddly enough, he thinks the same of me.

I've come to the conclusion that there is so much more to him than I will ever know and understand. However, I've begun to find comfort in the mystery and the complexity of his personality.

To this day, the relationship I share with him confounds me. It is an extremely special bond we have, and I hold it closer to me than I could put into words. We have come a long way in a very short time.

He has been an exception to all the rules I've ever made for myself. In just a few fortnights, we have traveled down a lovely path of camaraderie. I marvel at how easily I was able to invest so much of my trust into this friendship with him.

Here is what I know for a fact: the man has a heart of gold. He has a billion things to teach the world, simply by being himself. Although at times, I wish there were many more like him, there is no one out there who could ever be half the man he is.

So, the significance of this post, you ask?

A token of gratitude for this extraordinary entity, that is my friend.

This is to thank him for every single thing he's ever done for me. For always being the quiet voice of reason. For being my pillar when I thought I would crash and burn. For lending me his ear when I needed to speak. For making me listen to exactly what I needed to hear. For understanding me beyond mere words or actions. For recognizing that there is more than meets the eye.

For never generalizing me. For stubbornly pointing out every day that I am a unique individual; that there is no one out there like me. For actually meaning it.

For advocating everyone's case, ever. For justifying every single thing said, ever.

For his amazing words of wisdom, wit and experience that put any situation into better perspective. For holding me back when I need to be held back, and for pushing me forward when I needed the encouragement.

However, most important of all, I thank him for being him.

I thank him, for restoring my faith in humanity every day.

Dedicated to you, Superstar. You truly are my Kryptonite.

Until next time, oh dearies.

Hasta la-buh bye!

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