Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Comfort Zone

Hello world,

Forgive me while I scramble to put a short little post together.

Why short?

I have a book in my hands. I can't put it down. I will finish this post after I finish the book. Hopefully within the hour.

I want to write this post in 2 parts, and it makes a lot of sense with how my life currently is. So while I pause it here, I will update this soon!

*Update @ 11:26 p.m.*

So I finished the book.

Let me tell y'all why I called this week's post the Comfort Zone. I'd discussed some ideas about a post with Mumble-wumble earlier, and this wasn't even on the agenda. The idea just popped into my mind, so I decided to go with it.

What is the Comfort Zone?

The Zone of Comfort.

What lies outside of it?


I dunno! I'm just being goofy.


Inside the Zone

But in all honesty. I think the Comfort Zone is another name for the boundaries we put around ourselves. It's where we find solace, it is a place of familiarity, certainty and safety. It is where we can make mistakes without being afraid, where we can be afraid without being scared, where we can fall without being hurt, and we can hurt without feeling pain.

While this may not make sense to most people, I put a lot of thought into what I said, and each and every word of that statement resonates with me.... as long as I'm in my Comfort Zone.

So in the first part, I want to share a little story that happened to me about... 10 minutes ago.

As I said before, the reason I delayed writing out this post completely was because I was reading a book. Now, in case y'all didn't know from my flowery eloquence, but I am a helpless bibliophile. I love to read books, and I am very passionate about literature in general. I associate snuggling down in bed with a book very much in my Comfort Zone.

The simple act of reading for hours on end without interruption, getting lost in the pages of a book, beginning to live the story in my mind, trying to predict upcoming events within a novel, and just becoming one with the characters gives me so much joy, that I am able to perceive as the truest form of comfort and happiness.

This particular quote I came across also really got me to think of how true it is:

It truly is a beautiful place, considering one does whatever they like without fear of several negative repercussions hanging over their head. I love reading books, and I'm associating the solace I find in a book with my Comfort Zone. While it's an activity that gives me immense joy, and of course, more knowledge, the activity itself is the same. So I understand why nothing ever grows there.


Outside the Zone

The number of people who claim that true adventure and several other amazing entities lie only outside your Comfort Zone clearly never read a book before!

Just kidding.

But seriously, people say that. A lot. And I get it. When you partake in something that lies well outside your Comfort Zone, while you may be thoroughly disconcerted initially, you are bound to enjoy the experience greatly. It will stay with you longer because you are doing something that isn't a part of your daily routine, something you are not used to. The book I just read was all about putting the main character well out of it's Comfort Zone, and I was right there, feeling just as uncomfortable with him all the way through.

But anyway, why am I writing about being outside the Zone?

Because I am about to step outside my Comfort Zone in RL. I am about to let go of something I have called home for so long, and go someplace completely new. I am feeling so... vulnerable. I haven't a clue whether I will like where I'm going, whether it will truly ever compare to where I am, whether I can find a way to bring my Comfort Zone here.

I just thought it was a such a wonderful and contrasting comparison that I was seeing in my own life, that I had to share it with y'all. While a part of me is overjoyed at finding my "happy place" in the books, all of me in reality, is actually leaving my place to go elsewhere.

So I'm in a pretty dazed trance.. sort of floating on the inside as well as the outside of my Comfort Zone right now. It gets easy and difficult in parts, but might I say, it's quite the learning experience.

I also don't know if I agree with this statement 100%, but I can sure guarantee that stepping outside the walls you've built for yourself, you will be greeted by sights and feelings you've only dreamed of seeing before.

So take a chance, take a leap of faith, push those walls, and bring in more adventure. I have a lot more to say on the subject, but gravity is doing a splendid job of pulling my head to the pillow.

With that, I bid you all good night!

Until next week...

Hasta la-buh bye!

PS - There is a very specific reason I've been capitalizing Comfort Zone. Go read Paper Towns.

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