Monday, August 30, 2010

A New Journey

I've finally done it.
I've come over to the Dark Side..
And created a blog. :-)

My inspiration?

Many things. To begin with, 3 special people. I need not name names, they know who they are. And a movie - Julie & Julia. (Which was surprisingly good!)

My reason?

The inevitable, undeniable and absolutely-unasked-for kind of events that seem to occur in life.

My ambition?

It is a work-in-progress.

Do I know why I have started writing me a blog? Absolutely not. But I will write. This may be a start of something new that could turn into something that changes the world. Or, this could be another failed attempt at me keeping a diary. Regardless, I will write. Relentlessly, faithfully, and for once, without giving up.

So to answer the biggest unasked question: no, I don't have a lot of time on my hands. Nor do I not have a life. I'm just another human being.

There are some things in life, that one wants to share, but can't. I find myself feeling a strange comfort knowing that by "blogging" about these things, someone behind the screen knows my story. Someone who will just read it, but may not question it. (Note: the word may, but as Fred & George Weasley say, "Ask us no questions, and we'll tell you no lies." :-P)

In any case, a lot of quick thought has gone into the title of my blog. My posts will be long, because I like to talk. A lot. In this case, write. I'm just not a "condensed and concise" kind of person. I understand that I may have lost more than just a handful of readers at this point *giggle*. But anywho, read only if you wish to.

So here's my opinion about commenting on blogs. Obviously you all know that I can moderate comments on my blog. So if you don't have anything decent to say, please don't say anything at all. Stress on the word decent. I like constructive criticism, not spam. That is not welcome here.

What will I do in this blog of mine? I will share. 

What is it I will share? - I know not! But when I do, I hope it is worth a read.

Let the blogging begin!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! Let us hear it....BRING it on!
