Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye, 2015.

Another year, gone.

I blame this blog, in all it's entirety, for making this year fly by.

Just kidding..

Sort of..

Not really.

Each week, on Thursday, I would think, "I'm sure I've got more posts left. I'm sure there are few weeks left." And before I knew it, lo and behold, it's the last day of the year.

I've already given my shout-outs, I've already said my thank yous, and I've done my year in review. But this was for everyone else. I choose today to be a personal day. A day I want to think of how far I've come in 2015. A day to go through my to do list of the year and see what I've achieved.

And I hope you all do the same today too.

Take a moment for yourselves. Be proud of everything you did this year. Think of everything you accomplished. Everything new you learned. All the new adventures you had. All the new people you met, the new relationships you created, the old ones you cherished. It was all you. You made it all happen. You made it through 2015. Kudos to you.

I read the very first post I wrote this year, and I am so happy to see my consistency in my goals for the new and upcoming year. I still want to carry the same bucket list forward.

I grew up a lot this year. Not only did I learn a lot about myself, the way my mind and my heart functions, but also how I deal with different situations. I learned about my obsession, my passion, my compassion, my limits, my patience, my impatience... quite extensively. And they have all been such great lessons. I probably learned them in the most optimal ways too.

So, goals for 2016?

It's going to be a Leap Year!

So, logic follows, that we all take leaps of faith in the upcoming year.

Get even crazier with your goals. Step even father out of your comfort zones. Do things you never thought you'd do, or go places you'd never imagined going. If there's one thing I've learned, it is that life is short. And that makes cherishing each moment so important.

I am so thankful that I took on this project at the beginning of this year. I feel like I've accomplished like out of Julie & Julia, which, if y'all remember, was the whole reason I started this blog to begin with! I am happy that I saw this project of writing every week through to the end. It was so much harder than I thought. And if I were being completely honest, I did miss one week. I wasn't able to get a post out on one of the Thursdays this year, but still! I consider this an accomplishment. I learned that it's not easy making such a huge commitment. But thanks to this blog, I also realized how much I missed writing and needed it to maintain my sanity. This blog was the outlet of my frustrations for several weeks.

But I now want to give my writing a direction. I want to give it a purpose. And I want to start working towards to different goal. I probably won't be writing each week, because I'd rather not compromise the quality of my writing. Instead, I'm going to revamp my blog, change it up a bit, and (hopefully) write really well. Whichever journey I choose, I hope y'all will come with me! I hope you go with my into the new year and I hope 2016 is even more exciting, adventurous and memorable than 2015.

For the last time this year, to one and all...

A very Happy New Year!

Hasta la-buh bye!

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