Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paradoxical Perspectives: Part I

Guise, guess what?

I had a day off today... *gasp* crazy, right?!

After goodness knows how long, I did this thing called "relax". It was incredible. It felt like...

This also gave me time to think about this week's topic.

Over the last few weeks, I've done odes, poetry, impromptu interviewing and inspirational writing. This week I wanted to write about something that's been on my mind for a while now. A topic that sparks a debate and usually gets my mind thinking...well into overdrive.

There is no pre-planned script to this. I'm simply putting pen to paper (read: fingers to keyboard), and saying what comes to mind. Y'all get first dibs on my thoughts!

Before I begin, I'm putting out a disclaimer: these are all my personal opinions. While you are all completely entitled to call me crazy coo-coo, please remember that I am not voicing the masses, trying to offend anyone, or promoting anything. Basically, don't sue meh!

Let me pose a question: How does one tell the difference between right and wrong?

Of course I can't stop here. Let's delve further...

What is right and wrong? What is the difference between something easy and difficult? How do you determine what is so? How can one deem an action morally correct or ethically incorrect?

Right, wrong, correct, incorrect, easy, difficult, morals; it astounds me that these words have set definitions to begin with. Isn't every one of these words is incredibly subjective and dependent on an individual's point of view?

Why then do we have such strong opinions about right and wrong, easy and difficult, and so on?

In no way do I claim that I know the answer to any of these questions, but these questions really make me think about how we make decisions in our lives. These words, these notions.. they hold so much power over our minds. They constantly influence our mannerisms and shape societal norms. It boggles my mind that these words sometimes even lay down the foundation of the world we live in.

Bronislaw Malinowski was a famous anthropologist who first concocted the phenomenon known as the "imponderabilia of everyday life". He defined these as objects that defy understanding simply by existing. The questions I've posed above are my imponderabilia.

So then, how do you determine what is right and what is wrong? Is "right" simply a synonymous term for content while "wrong" being another word for inconvenient?

Think about it.

When something is done "right" according to a person, they are satisfied, happy and accepting of a situation. Whereas I've observed that if something is done "wrong", a person will do anything and everything in their power to ensure that things get done their way, and only then will they be absolutely comfortable.

So then if everyone has a different perception of right and wrong, do these terms even really mean anything? Regardless or how good an intention, an idea, an action may be, it's bound to be right in some people's books and wrong in others'. There simply is no satisfying everyone.

I think this is where societal acceptance plays a huge role. If an idea or moral or action is deemed socially beneficial, it's coined as "right". However, if something is severely frowned upon, society forbids it by labeling the same "wrong".

While I'm not going to suggest taking on the world alone and setting out to change everyone's perspectives, I will say this: know your triggers. Understand that there is a difference between viewpoints. Will a billion people on this planet, there are bound to be a billion different viewpoints.

Accepting and respecting that in itself will eliminate many kerfuffles.

I think there is much more I'm going to add this post, because there is lots more I have to say. What are triggers? How does knowing this difference help answer any of these questions? What do I find right and wrong? Some debate-worthy questions still remain unanswered.

But for now, this is plenty to get your brain buzzing. And since I am certain I will be revisiting this topic, I'm naming this post Part I.

Until next time, dosts!

Hasta la-buh bye!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Inside Scoop


Welcome to another week's ramblings by yours truly.

As y'all may have noticed, I have been trying to blog every week this year. It has proven to be an incredibly relaxing, enlightening and empowering task.

In my topsy-turvy ever changing world, my weekly post is the one constant. It's a challenge that I now look forward to every week.

I almost didn't get this post out today, but I know my friend Mumble-Wumble (remember him?) is just waiting for a week that I don't write a post so he can say, 'I told you so'.

I intend to prove him wrong.

Anymoo, this post is an idea I got from yet another stimulating conversation with him.

We were discussing my hobby of getting to know people when he asked me to pause and evaluate how well I knew myself. While I would have liked to say really well, I realized that it had been quite a while since I had done some credible self-reflection.

So I thought: why not interview myself?

And of course, upon doing a quick search, I found some fantastic questions that I could ask myself. I got the idea from this article, and in the spirit of complete honesty, I haven't read all the questions yet. I am going to be brave and answer them as they come.

So here goes!

34 confessions, to be exact.

1. What do you do for a living?

I work in the environment of academia serving the students, staff and faculty at a University.

2. Who do you love?

My parents, above all. My family and my friends, who are close enough that they are family. Some authoritative figures who command my respect, some celebrities, some athletes, and some role-models (including business tycoons, chefs, authors, singers, etc). I love them for inspiring me and driving me to learn something new.

3. Do you have enough money?

Definitely not. Au contraire, have a big hole in my back account named 'student loans'.

4. Are you healthy?

Physically, not as much as I'd like to be. I need to revert back to about 14 months ago when I was living abroad on my own and following a very strict, healthy regime.

Emotionally, yes. I am in a great place where I am whole and complete.

5. Do you think you are a good person?

I work hard to be one. I treat others the way I like to be treated. I strive not to be a hypocrite. I appreciate everything good in my life, and I never wish bad on my worst enemies.

6. How old are you?

Don't you know it's impolite to ask a lady her age? But... I'm 24.

*whispers* I'm still 16 at heart though!

7. Who is your best friend?

My best friend is Poochie. (In case y'all haven't noticed, I use aliases for all of my friends' names; I'll do the same here.)

We've been best friends for 9 years, and we're still going strong. I intend to keep her by my side for a very long time.

8. What is your childhood dream?

To be a flight attendant. Something about those prim and proper ladies and gents fascinated me.

Then it changed to be a teacher so I could show off my fancy handwriting on a blackboard.

And then it became wanting to be a successful, published author like JKR. This one I'm working on.

9. How often do you laugh?

A few times every hour. Laughter is a great de-stressor. Plus, I have dimples. They're the only feature I'm proud of, and I like to show them off.

10. What makes you smile?

Sincerity, intelligence and compassion from those who care about me.

11. Who is your most dangerous enemy?

Dishonesty; in anything or by anyone. You lie, you break my trust. You break my trust, there is no mending it again.

12. Where do you live?

In the hustling and bustling city of Toronto. (T-dot!)

13. Do you think you are strong?

Physically? Not really, but I'm working on it.

Emotionally? More than I should be, but less than others believe me to be.

14. What was the most important thing you have done so far?

Realized what and who my priorities in life should be through some serious self-reflection.

15. What was the most stupid thing you have done so far?

I was 13 years old. I had a crush on this guy, and someone gave me his phone number without his knowledge. They then told me he wanted me to call him. And I called, and called, and called. All. The. Time. It didn't matter that he didn't answer. I never took a hint. I just kept calling. Over and painstakingly over. *hits self with pillow*

16. Do you love yourself?

Believe me when I say, it has taken me a LONG time to say this: yes, I do. I am my biggest fan.

17. What do you fear the most?

Being left alone. Or rather, losing the people I care about.

18. What is your favorite word?

This is probably the toughest question I've ever been asked. I have a word of the day, for crying out loud! But my favorite word today is: exhilarate.

19. When was the last time you cried?

Two nights ago. It was an emotional night.

20. What is the best thing that could happen to you right now?

I could get a job. I could win the lottery. I could be asked to become part of The Royal Family.

21. What is the worst thing that could happen to you right now?

Losing someone I love.

22. Picture yourself in 5 years from now.

I'd be more settled than I am right now.

*fingers crossed* I will be a successful, young and budding professional in my field of study. Maybe engaged to a significant other who is a fantastic match for me and making plans to take on the world together with him.

23. Do you regret anything?


24. What is the first thing you do in the morning?

Appreciate that I was able to see another day.

...and then pee.

25. What are you thinking just before going to bed?

Things I wish I could have said or done differently throughout my day.

26. What was the highest point you have ever been to?

In the year 2002, at 12 years of age, I went on a trek with a group to a peak in the Himalayas without my parents or my family. The peak was called the Manimahesh Glacier. At our highest point, we were at a height of 17,346 feet.

It was one of the best experiences of my life.

27. If there is one thing in your life you want to change right now, what is it?

I wish I hadn't broken my leg in grade 6; it ruined my tennis career.

28. What are you proud of?

Living abroad by myself for 4 months. Graduating. My morals and ideals. My accomplishments. And most importantly, the person I've become.

29. Sum up your life in one sentence.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt.

30. Name the thing that annoys you the most.

Not knowing something and being left in the dark.

31. What is your Number 1 question to God?

"What do you have in store for me?"

32. Do you have secrets?

Who doesn't?

33. What makes you laugh?

Puns. Lame, one liner jokes. Babies. My friends. Alcohol. The word: "pumpernickel". Wit. People slipping and falling. Being tickled. Debates. Seeing my crush.

34. Are you happy?

I am, but I strive to be happier.

So there you have it!

I thought this was a great idea for a post because it really made me think about some things I have done in life. It made me realize that I'm still growing as a person, and there are many different things to learn - even about myself!

If you happen to have the time, write these questions down and take this interview for yourself. It's a great way to see what drives you, what you're still holding on to, what you may be lacking, and what you should pursue. Share with your friends what you learned.

Until next time, loves.

Hasta la-buh bye!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's my birth-'write'.

Dear Me,

If you are reading this, it means you're having a rough day. It means life is being difficult. You are facing more challenges than you think can handle. Something is confusing, upsetting and tiring you to the point where you feel as though you have no more strength. It feels like your emotions are all in a turmoil. It feels like no one understands what you're going through. Feels like life is defeating you.

Basically, you are at a loss as to what to do.

But guess what? You're here. You're okay, and you're reading this. You're in one piece (hopefully), you're whole and you had enough sense to find this letter.

I'm here to remind you: don't give up. Think of all the things still on your bucket list to do. Think of all the things around you that you have no knowledge of. Think of your passion to know the meaning of life. Think of all the places you still want to visit. Think of the academic capabilities you wish to conquer. From your most cherished dream of being an author to your quirky habit of learning a new word everyday, there is still so much you have to do.

You have to remember: life is short. It's okay to be reckless every once in a while. It's okay to make mistakes. And for once, it's okay to think about you before everybody else in the world.

I need to tell you something about you: please acknowledge how amazing you are.

You need to know it's okay to stop taking on the worries of the world. I know you feel like you're just one person trying to shoulder all the worries of the world. I know you think that if you don't worry, who else will. While it's incredible of you to want to do that, you don't need to. Things will fall into place regardless of whether you worry or not.

You don't need the approval of others to be confident about your capabilities. You don't need others to make you feel credible and important. Regardless of what the world says about you, you are truly one of a kind. You're unique, charming, driven, ambitious, intelligent, hard-working, adorable, goofy and beautiful, inside and out. You're quite the catch!

There is a spark within you that makes you glow and stand out. Don't be afraid to let that light shine. Don't be afraid to unleash your capabilities. Don't be afraid to ask for what you deserve. Don't settle for any less than what you know you're worth. Don't spend your life trying to please everyone. Don't ever hesitate when your own happiness is at stake. Don't second guess the urge to chase your dreams. Don't ever forget how important you are to people. Don't be afraid to take a leap of faith.

And most importantly, don't you ever forget these words:

Know that there are many people out there who truly care about you. Know that you have impacted so many lives, and there are more people than you think who would want to be there for you. Know that sometimes, just by being yourself, you inspire change. In times when you may not be happy with yourself, remind yourself that you may be the reason someone else is getting through their day.

So do me a favour, will you? Stop what you're doing right now and listen to our song. Listen to the words, and understand them. Just know that even in the worst of situations, there is always a silver lining. There is always a rainbow after a particularly nasty storm. And no matter how bad the storm, know that you have the strength in you to face it.

You fall in to problems only so you can fall out of them as well. Remember, it will get better. Just give it time. Don't let impatience be your downfall.

And finally, the most important piece of advice: don't look back, that's not the way you're going.


Your biggest fan,

This week was definitely something new. This is for all those days you don't think you can get through. Something for all of us to come back to, when times are rough.

This post was inspired by Ms. Emma Kate Brannon's article that I happened to come across while surfing. The idea really intrigued me, but I put my own little twist on it.

Y'all are even more amazing than this little letter encompasses: never forget that.

Until next time, loves.

Hasta la-buh bye!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Etymology of Diabolical

This is why I like blogging.

It gives me a neat way of expressing gratitude to some really special people in my life.

These aren't things I can say to them every day, but through my words, I can at least offer them a little token of appreciation for being a part of my topsy-turvy world.

However, I should probably point out my favourite definition of 'admiration'.

Haha, I kid I kid.

But seriously. Today, I want to write about a person who amazes me every day. Someone who is very near and dear to my heart. Someone who brightens up my day without fail. One of my best friends, Mumble-Wumble.

Yep, that's him.
Mumble-Wumble is... different.

He's charming, witty, funny, inquisitive, brilliant and handsome. Really handsome.

The way he speaks, the way he thinks, the way his mind works.. he somehow manages to set himself apart from everybody else. And he does it with extraordinary ease, too.

Maybe because he's fairly oblivious to his charismatic charm.

Those who know me, know that I like to surround myself with what others might call "The Incredibles". These people are always inspirational, courageous, fearless, incredibly intelligent, and they always push me to be a better person.

In Mumble-Wumble's case, it's safe to say I've struck a gold mine.

His persistent inquisitiveness makes him the jack of all trades and his relentless determination to excel at everything makes him the master of all. He is passionate while discovering, amused while observing, and enthusiastic while learning.

Through our endless discussions about anything and everything, he challenges and questions my every point of view. He makes me truly think  about why something is the way it is, and usually ends up changing my perception on the matter.

I definitely hold him accountable for a rise in my smarticle particles. *cue giggles about inside joke*

From philosophy to literature to photography to adventure sports, our conversations usually know no end. If there's something I've learned about him, it is this: If it was up to him, he would make the world his playground, and figure out how everything works. His quest for knowledge is his drive and his focus, intellect and patience are the means to his end. His extremely humble nature and his almost bashful modesty is the reason I consider him one of my role models.

Mumble-Wumble has many amazing qualities. He will make a person feel like they're the most important thing in the world when he's talking to them. He will always have a helpful piece of advice to give away. And best of all, he will always have a nice thing to say to anyone he comes across.

While getting to know him, I looked high and low for different personality types that would help me figure him out. Know the conclusion I came to?

He was just one of a kind.

Here and there, I'd find a thing or two that described him. But there was always one thing that was different about my friend. He was always one awesome step ahead.

I've told him this many-a-times: the man has a personality that would make anyone want to be around him all the time. His charisma, his playful temperament and quirky habits make him a delightful companion.

Mumble-Wumble carries many words of wisdom and many years of experience with him. More than just once, he's shown me how to make the best of a situation and helped me see the brighter side of things. The respect that he has for those he admires is astounding. And best of all, his caring and protective nature make him an extremely reliable friend. If there's one thing I can be sure of, it is that he always has my back.

While I'm at it, let me take a quick moment to address this hunk's looks --- handsome seems almost too lame. The way he carries himself with immense grace makes him almost frighteningly charming.

*whispers* Just between you and me though, he's a big ol' softy at heart.

In conclusion, I say this: Mumble-Wumble is one of the most dynamic, spontaneous, inspirational and amazing personalities I have ever met. I may not voice my appreciation of this awesome-sauce kid every day, but let's call today a special occasion.

This is to thank him for the impact he probably doesn't know he's had. For the laughs when I was stressed and the pick-me-ups when I was upset. For the valiant attempts at hugs, and the stories about dragons. For the many stimulating discussions and the adventurous coffees. For always giving me a new challenge to conquer and for being a fan of all-day breakfast. For every small piece of advice and for pushing me to be a better version of myself.

While the list is endless, my biggest thanks to him is for being a great friend -- the best I could ask for. I think I'll keep him around. :-)

Speaks for itself.
I hope this inspires y'all to take a moment and thank someone you care about for being your friend. It's bound to put a smile on their face and yours.

Until next time, guise.

Hasta la-buh bye!