Thursday, November 8, 2012

Busy Days & Surprises

Yeah, I missed my old title style, I couldn't help but fall right back into it... ;-)


How are y'all this evening?

Its been a long, tiring & surprisingly cold day today!

I'm back once again with some more fun stuff about the diet I'm following. Apart from it being super fun, easy to follow, and not difficult to prepare for, it really is giving me results so far, and I'm loving it!

Before I get into mundane chit chat, let me get the health talk updated and out of the way for those who are reading & following my journey.

We are now 3 days into the diet! So, how was today, you ask? Well...

Day 3 of the diet calls for:
"A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today."

What I ate:
Food intake: Lots of red grapes, a bowl of leftover veggies from yesterday, & some awesome veggie skewers mommy dearest and I made at home.
Water intake: Close to 3 litres (I know, I'm not doing well on the water front *hangs head*)
I had no other beverages today.

Picture note: I'm too tired to actually post a picture, I'll do that tomorrow, I promise.

The Workout:

  • 60 minutes of outdoor activity (leaf-raking, walking around, etc.)
  • *Note: Along with this diet, I have decided to work out 5/7 days of the week. I chose today to be one of my days off. As my stamina increases, I'm hoping to get to at least an hour 7/7 days, but until then, I'm taking it slow and building up my metabolism.
Weight Change from Day 2: +0.5 pounds
Weight Change from Day 1: -2.6 pounds

*Another note: I was actually expecting this increase in weight because I felt like I was consuming slightly heavier food than just water-based fruits. However, by working out tomorrow, I hope to work the half pound I got back as well!

How I felt:
By now, I feel like I'm definitely into this diet; I'm actually looking forward to following it. The cravings for other, off-diet food were almost non-existent today. Only one longing moment when a friend was eating a cream cheese bagel right in front of me *sigh* But apart from that, today was super easy!

What surprised me was the fact that I actually wasn't as hungry as I usually am! I ate grapes in the morning as a "breakfast snack", and was only able to have a (very) late lunch, but I wasn't starving to death like I would have been on any other day.

My energy level was fairly high throughout the day, and I was active & moving around quite a bit. Yesterday, I had a moment of extreme fatigue, but none of that came up today. When I woke up in the morning, I was well rested. Another point I wanted to mention was apart from feeling a little tired on Day 2, I have not yet experienced any "negative" side effects of this diet *knock on wood* No headaches, no muscle ache, nothing of the sort.

My mom is also following this diet with me (which is such a great support, by the way, it really helps someone else in the household following the diet with you), and we came up with a really cool recipe today because we wanted something tangy, spicy and different. So, here they are!

  • Skewers & veggies: We chopped up large pieces of peppers (green, red & yellow), cauliflower, broccoli and carrots. We seasoned it with some lemon juice, chilli powder, vegetable seasoning, cumin & coriander powder and a little bit of salt. Although we used the same seasoning for all veggies, the cauliflower & broccoli we stir-fried extremely lightly on a few drops of olive oil. As for the rest of the peppers and carrots, after making sure all the veggies were well "marinated", we put them in the toaster over to broil for 15 minutes or so, and ding! They were ready and delicious :-)
So this is it for Day 3. See! Isn't it surprising how little I ate and still felt great?!

Of course, feel free to comment, advise, inspire or share anything below! I'd be more than happy to hear from y'all :-)


I'm calling it a night for now, but tomorrow, I promise to be back with yet another post, and pictures of food! Until then, oh sleepy heads!

Hasta la-buh bye!

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