Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dreams, Dilemmas & Denny's

Hi y'all,

*giggles* I'm going to chuckle when Mumble-Wumble comes across this post and realizes that I'm writing about the very evening we just spent together.

Although I had an amazing time with him as always, my head is buzzing with thoughts that I just can't seem to find the words for. So while I haven't a clue where I'm going with this post, maybe I should jump right into it?


First of all, writing about 'dream analysis' has been on my list for quite some time, but I've just never found the time in the last few months to sit down and research the topic enough. I've often wondered many different things about dreams: what they mean, why we have them, why we have the dreams that we do, are they premonitions, are they foreboding signs, are they confirmation of psychic abilities... so many questions, none of which I have answers for, yet. You know what I'm promising? Before the end of this year, I'm going to do some research about all these questions, and do a follow up post about my findings. Personal goal set.

But I wanted to at least address: I have been having recurring dreams about the same person, in a similar context, and I haven't a clue what it means. I'm going to assume that it is a mash-up of my jumble of thoughts, what I think I want, what I may be wishing for, and what I think I'd like to see happen. Honestly, I've had enough dreams about this person to write a saga or a book, and it would be chalk full of drama!

And the picture above especially resonated with me. Why you ask? Because I think these dreams are all stemming from some thoughts that I'm keeping firmly shut in a corner of my brain. I'm doing so for various reasons, but it seems as though I can't hide from my own conscience.


I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place with this one; I'm trying to decide whether I want to disclose something about someone to someone. However, I'm unsure about a whole ton of things. Whether it's my place to tell them, whether they'd take it well, whether it would lead to something else, whether I would have to tell them what's on my mind... It feels like a big ball of yarn in my head, where I can't seem to find the end or the beginning of the string, and in trying to untangle it, I'm just making it oodles worse.

Nevertheless, I'm going to attempt to try and sort through these thoughts; possibly on my own, or maybe to the person they should be disclosed to, or maybe to the person who shared them with me... aahhh *runs in circles*

Clearly, I need help.

But again, I love the picture that I found because trains are my new favorite thing in life. The picture very precisely depicts how I am at such a cross-roads with this decision, and I'm truly uncertain about how to proceed and where to go. I'm just sure that eventually, the right path will show itself as the one to take. It seems as though I have no other option but to be patient and let the dust settle on things. This patience will be the end of me one day, I tell you!


This is a quick little shout-out to Mumble-Wumble for a super fun evening, that included a spontaneous and delicious meal at Denny's. All day breakfast seems to be our thing. I may or may not say this to you in person Mumble-Wumble, but I absolutely love hanging out with you - it is such a wonderful getaway from all the crazy things that are piling up on me in RL. You give me the mental health break I don't realize I need, to keep my sanity intact.

Honestly, I complain to him all the time that he bothers me, and challenges me, and makes my brain take a lap and a half around the track while I try to figure him out. But I also think it's the absolute best, because I have such a blast whenever I hang out with him. Our discussions range from deeply philosophical and life changing topics to utterly nonsensical and majorly comical arguments. I love that he entertains me and all my oddities, and I'm more than happy to do the same for him (yes, he's also an oddball, but he's my oddball <3). I've told him many-a-times, but I truly cherish our friendship and hold it very, very close to my heart. I hope that many years down the road, we can read this post together, and mayhaps I can tell him why I acted as crazy as I did tonight!

I will end tonight's post with one last comment that likely only Mumble-Wumble will understand... but all 3 sections of my post all have one common factor that will probably tell you exactly why I was in the dilemma I said I was in.

Any-moo! It's off to bed with me, an early morning alarm awaits. Until next week...

Hasta la-buh bye!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Clean Souls, Dirty Mirrors

Need to get this little blurb out before midnight!

I'm working on the post as we speak, I promise to be right back!

*Update @ 11:58 PM

Hi all!


Another close call of almost missing my day to post a post. Mumble-wumble, is this a conspiracy to "win"? Taking me out on such memorable adventures on days I need to post? I've got my eye on you, sir...

Any how!

It is such a great time for me around this time of year. In my culture and religion, a very auspicious period is happening right now, and I am in the happiest place I could be. I relate so closely with this religious festival, and around this time is when I feel so spiritual and in touch with my innermost self - it is absolutely wonderful. I never realize how tired it all makes me until it's all over.

But anyway, I digress.

Also, I am falling asleep on my laptop right now, so I will continue this tomorrow.

Update @ 10:15 AM

So on this inner journey back to my true self, or the realization of my spirituality, I came across a very interesting concept.

It started when I truly began to take in the surroundings of my new workplace. On my desk are the usual things a worker needs: a computer, a phone, a keyboard, a notepad and a beautiful lamp for extra light. While moving things around and rearranging them to my liking, I found a little magnetic mirror in one of the drawers, and decided to stick it to the leg of this lamp. With the way the mirror is now placed, it is just below my eye level, and is great for me if I want to do a quick check of my face before heading into a meeting or an appointment.

So, a few days ago, I was having a rather fabulous hair day, and decided to take a quick selfie, and yes, it was at work *hangs head in shame* ... but I was on break!

Besides the point.

So, I take out my phone to take a picture of myself in the mirror, and I found some really cool angles. Now, in case y'all remember, I recently got me a new phone, and welcomed myself back to the Apple family. The iPhone 6 plus takes pictures in a way I didn't think possible, and I'll tell you why I think that.

I'm looking at this mirror, and to my naked eye, it looks like it should look great when I take the picture. But when I actually take the picture, all the scratches, smudges and blemishes on the mirror stand out, so much so that my face is barely visible behind all the dirt. After a few tries, I gave right up, and started thinking about why that was happening, when a really cool thought floated into my head. People may see a clean mirror, but that may not necessarily mean that what they are looking at is pure and clean. People may be looking into a dirty mirror, but the reflection does not always do a good job of describing who stands within it.

So, considering all the encounters I had this week, I thought that this was a really cool and actually a really important life lesson to grasp. In the simplest of terms, people are not always what they seem. I know I've touched on this topic in my post called Visage, but I want to take it a step farther and say, not everyone who may acts kindly and in a caring way will have your best interest at heart. This philosophy also applies the other way; someone who may appear off-putting and shady may actually be your lone well-wisher.

I know it's a small post I'm posting, but like I said, y'all will really have to bear with me for the next few weeks. Just a little idea for y'all to dwell on. But until next week...

Hasta la-buh bye!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Hello all!

This last week has probably been one of the most exciting weeks of 2015 for me. As I fleetingly mentioned last week, I started a new job. As you may have gathered from a few of my posts, my family along with myself just relocated to another city. Things are moving so quickly, and so suddenly, that I'm barely having time to keep up.

I went over the next few weeks in my head, and realized: they're just going to keep getting busier. So I'm going to make an honest attempt and keeping up with this blogger-doodle, but I'm afraid my posts may be short, and potentially uneventful.

But that's okay! I'm still keeping up with my habit of writing something every week.

Any how.

What was new this week? Everything!

RL has become topsy-turvy because of all the changes happening around me, and I'm barely holding on for dear life. However, these changes are amazing, because they are putting me way out of my comfort zone.

I started my new job exactly a week ago, which is why, last week, I was very happy. May I say that my honeymoon phase with the job ended fairly quickly. As one of my new co-workers very eloquently put, "I was thrown to the wolves at a pretty bad time of year with no guidance of any kind on how to survive." I love that! It is such a challenge establishing oneself in a new role, and to perform outstandingly where you have no training shows even more tenacity. So not only am I determined to just hang in there, but I'm determined to make my own mark. *cue rah-rah for employer*

A little less than a week ago, I got a brand spankin' new phone! I finally made the switch from Android over to the dark side: I bought me an iPhone. It's beautiful. And while trying to wrap my head around how to use it, I'm also trying to wrap my hands around it because it's gigantic! I do miss my 'droid, but I'm all about facing new things head on this week, so it's another change I'm welcoming.

And finally, we handed over the keys to our old house this week. It basically severed my last link with my old place and it actually had more of an impact on me than I imagined it would. I was very attached to that house, and had created a few hundred thousand memories in it, having lived in it for years. To think of other people now calling it home just made my very uncomfortable and upset. However, once again, I embraced this discomfort, and instead channeled my energy into beautifying my new room. I figured, if I absolutely have to let go of my old place, I better make darn sure that this new room is something I have hard time staying away from!

Ergo, any DIY ideas to cutesy up a room are welcome!

With that, I will put an end to my riveting week's description. I know this isn't much of a post, but it's exactly as my title says: major overload for one person to deal with. Hopefully things will settle after the next couple of months and I'll be able to refocus some of my energy into writing.

Until next week, though...

Hasta la-buh bye!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Week Off!

Hello World!

So many new things happened today, and it was such a great day. I started a new job! I met so many new people who were so wonderful to me, and I started out on a new adventure.

A few other really cool things happened to some of my friends too, that it just seems like a good time to take a night off and bask in the happy goodness of it all.

I realized (even though I have missed a day), that I haven't actually taken a break from writing a lengthy post or writing about an idea this year.

So in light of all the happy things that have happened, I've decided to give myself the week off. I think I've earned it. Also because I became OPSEU! *insert personal joke here*

Until next week, y'all...

Hasta la-buh bye!

PS - Maybe I'll come back and add a bit more to this later, but for now - good night!